Return to Directory | Davie Foreclosure Defense Attorney | Michael J. Wrubel
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At the law firm of Michael Jay Wrubel, we have more than 30 years of experience standing up to the powers that be. We defend against banks and other financial institutions when they try to take a person's home away. We defend against prosecutions and criminal prosecutors when they try to take a person's freedom away. These are situations in which a family's future is put in jeopardy. We will not back down until we get results, no matter how strong an opponent may be.
Stopping Foreclosure in Davie Florida
Fighting to Stay in Your Home
While your foreclosure is ongoing - and you are not making a mortgage payment - we'll keep you in your home for significantly less than your mortgage payment. Read more...
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Contact Us for a Free Consultation
From our offices in Davie, we are committed to stopping foreclosure for people throughout South Florida. Contact us today to find out how an experienced lawyer from our law firm can stand up for you.